This Viral TikTok Of An Asian Girl Crying Because She Can’t Speak Chinese Has Started An Important Conversation About Cultural Assimilation

This Viral TikTok Of An Asian Girl Crying Because She Can't Speak Chinese Has Started An Important Conversation About Cultural Assimilation

Leanne shared the dialogue between her and Mikayla: “She looked at me and said, ‘But Mulan can speak Chinese, right?’ I told her, ‘Yes, not in this movie, but in real life, she would’ve spoken Chinese.’ Mikayla then said, ‘She’s real?!’ and I told her, ‘Sort of, yes!’ Next Mikayla said, ‘That’s cooooool. I want to speak Chinese like Mulan!'” After Leanne advised Mikayla that her grandparents additionally spoke Chinese, Mikayla was in full shock as a result of she did not notice it.

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