Vitamin C Treatment for COVID-19 Being Silenced

Vitamin C Treatment for COVID-19 Being Silenced

In the video clip over, Dr. Andrew Saul, editor-in-chief of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, offers useful info on the relevance of vitamin C for condition therapy, consisting of COVID-19 — info that’s being extensively silenced using arranged censorship.1

His Tokyo discussion, “Orthomolecular Medicine and Coronavirus Disease: Historical Basis for Nutritional Treatment,” highlights the reality that when utilized as a treatment, high dosages of vitamin C — commonly 1,000 times greater than the U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) — are required.

It’s a foundation of clinical scientific research that dosage influences therapy result, however this property isn’t approved when it involves vitamin treatment the means it is with medication treatment. Most vitamin C study has actually utilized insufficient, reduced dosages, which don’t cause scientific outcomes.

“The medical literature has ignored over 80 years of laboratory and clinical studies on high-dose ascorbate (vitamin C) therapy,” Saul notes, including that while it’s extensively approved that vitamin C is advantageous in combating health problem, debate exists over to what level. “Moderate quantities provide effective prevention,” he states, while “large quantities are therapeutic.”

Three Pioneers of High-Dose Vitamin C Therapy

Vitamin C is probably most widely known for its antioxidant residential or commercial properties — residential or commercial properties it keeps due to a capability to give away electrons to oxidized particles. Even in tiny amounts, vitamin C aids shield healthy proteins, lipids as well as DNA as well as RNA in your body from responsive oxygen varieties that are created throughout regular metabolic process in addition to because of toxic substance direct exposure (such as to cigarette smoke as well as air contamination).

Vitamin C is additionally associated with the biosynthesis of collagen, carnitine as well as catecholamines, according to Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D., and also thus, “vitamin C participates in immune function, wound healing, fatty acid metabolism, neurotransmitter production and blood vessel formation, as well as other key processes and pathways.”2

Vitamin C at very high dosages, nonetheless, functions as an antiviral medication, really eliminating infections. While it does have anti-inflammatory task, which aids protect against the large cytokine waterfall related to serious SARS-CoV-2 infection, its antiviral ability most likely has even more to do with it being a non-rate-limited totally free radical scavenger. Three leaders of high-dose vitamin C treatment consist of:

1. Dr. Claus Washington Jungeblut — A teacher of bacteriology at Columbia University College of Physicians as well as Surgeons, Jungeblut was a leader polio scientist as well as the very first to report that vitamin C is an antiviral antivenin. Vitamin C was utilized as avoidance as well as therapy for polio, a concept initially released by Jungeblut in 1935.3

“It’s astonishing to many that if vitamin C were proven to be an antiviral, even in small doses, back in the 1930s, that interest would be there now, in the COVID pandemic, to use vitamin C as a preventive and, indeed, as a treatment for viral disease at the present time,” Saul states.

2. Dr. Frederick Robert Klenner — For years, Klenner, a North Carolina-based board-certified upper body professional, dealt with people with shots of vitamin C varying from 300 milligrams (mg) to 1,200 mg per kg (kg) of body weight each day, effectively dealing with polio, pneumonia as well as various other significant viral conditions.4

Klenner, the very first doctor to utilize vitamin C treatment with 40 years of clinical method, stated, “When proper amounts are used, ascorbic acid will destroy all virus organisms.”

3. Dr. Robert F. Cathcart III — Cathcart was a California doctor as well as orthopedic specialist that created the worth of vitamin C as an antiviral as well as utilized dental as well as IV dosages of approximately 200,000 mg each day. Beginning in the late 1960s, Cathcart utilized big dosages of vitamin C to effectively deal with viral diseases consisting of flu, pneumonia, liver disease as well as HELP.

It’s commonly asked exactly how you can identify if you’ve taken excessive vitamin C, as well as Cathcart explained this in excellent information in a paper in 1981.5 With dental dosages, when you’ve had all the vitamin C your body can deal with, you’ll establish loosened feceses. With intravenous vitamin C, nonetheless, this doesn’t happen. Liposomal vitamin C will certainly additionally enable you to take a lot greater does without obtaining loosened feceses.

You can occupy to 100 grams (100,000 mg) of liposomal vitamin C without issues as well as obtain actually high blood degrees, equal to or greater than intravenous vitamin C. This ought to be deemed an intense therapy, nonetheless.

Fact Checkers Flagged Expert Vitamin C Opinion as False

Cathcart, a physician with years of experience utilizing vitamin C to deal with viral health problem, stated, “I have not seen any flu yet that was not cured or markedly ameliorated by massive doses of vitamin C.” Saul thinks this would relate to any type of viral health problem, consisting of COVID-19. He published the quote on Facebook, which rapidly flagged it as “false information” according to its fact-checkers:

“Some so-called fact-checkers, employed by Facebook, decided that this statement is false. I do not understand how the opinion of a medical doctor can be considered false. You can disagree with it, but it’s not false. If this is what the doctor observed, if this is the doctor’s professional opinion, it is a valid point of view. But not on Facebook.”

February 12, 2020, Saul made the declaration on Facebook that based upon the study of Jungeblut, Klenner as well as Cathcart, “The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C.” Facebook promptly obstructed his article asserting it was incorrect, based upon the viewpoint — once more — of confidential fact-checkers, a lot of whom have no official clinical training.

He reacted, “Preventing and treating respiratory infections with large amounts of vitamin C is well established. Those who believe that vitamin C generally has merit but massive doses are ineffective or somehow harmful would do well to read the original papers for themselves.”

Saul includes that while various other nutrients are additionally vital, he thinks vitamin C is one of the most vital “crisis therapy” for those that locate themselves in the intensive care unit, extremely ill and at risk of dying from COVID-19. It’s also the least expensive preventive for the general public.

“After I posted that one mention about vitamin C and COVID,” Saul said, “vitamin C started selling out and disappearing from shelves in stores around the world. So I guess the fact-checkers were a little bit late. But ultimately, they did shut down the spread of this information — information about viruses being treated with vitamin C.”6

Chinese Physicians Recommend Vitamin C Treatment for COVID

Saul also highlights a study, published in Chinese, that detailed the accounts of four patients admitted to Xi’an Jiaotong University Second Hospital with COVID-19, who recovered in February 2020.

“High-dose vitamin C achieved good results in clinical applications,” the researchers noted, adding, “Vitamin C treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after admission,” and, “High-dose vitamin C can not only improve antiviral levels, but more importantly, can prevent and treat acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress.”

Although Saul shared this information, it was not picked up by the media. Another quote from Dr. ZhiYong Peng, chief of critical care at Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan University, reads:

“In my department and other hospitals we highly recommend the patients use 12,000 milligrams to 24,000 mg a day of vitamin C. That works for significant reduction of COVID becoming a severe case. In my hospital, all the medical professionals are given vitamin C powder, to take 1,000 to 2,000 mg. I heard that the majority of the major hospitals in Wuhan are giving vitamin C powder to their medical professionals.”

Further, according to Saul, the government of Shanghai, China, officially recommends treating COVID-19 with intravenous vitamin C at a dose of 200 mg per kg of body weight per day, an adult intravenous dosage of approximately 16,000 mg/day. The protocol was published by the Chinese Medical Association.7 Facebook and its fact-checkers, again disagreed, flagging the information as “partly false.”

“They never contacted me to check my sources … They never contacted the hospitals … or anyone in China … They never contacted the experts that we quoted, and they never contacted the government of Shanghai,” Saul said. “They simply decided it was false news, and that was the end of it. I believe withholding vitamin C treatment information from the public withholds it from the patient. I accuse the media of negligence.”

Lancet Suggests High-Dose Vitamin C as ‘Rescue Therapy’

Even a commentary published in The Lancet: Respiratory Medicine in March 2020 states, “Rescue therapy with high-dose vitamin C can also be considered”8 in patients with respiratory failure from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused by COVID-19. “Very little has been done with this, unfortunately,” Saul states, despite it having been published in the earliest months of the pandemic.

Other articles and YouTube videos from physicians supporting the use of vitamin C for COVID-19 have also been censored or removed completely. One objection sometimes given is that high-dose vitamin C is dangerous, but as Saul notes, it’s one of the most studied therapies in history.

In 2007, a study published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine by Harri Hemila, considered to be an authority on vitamin C, called potential harms of large doses of vitamin C “unfounded,” and stated that patients with pneumonia can take up to 100 grams a day of vitamin C without developing diarrhea, “possibly because of the changes in vitamin C metabolism caused by the severe infection.”9

Past research by Hemila and colleagues found that 17,000 mg/day of intravenous vitamin C shortened critical care unit stays by 44%.10 According to Saul, Dr. Richard Cheng, a Chinese American physician, further reported that about 50 moderate to severe cases of COVID-19 infection were treated with high-dose vitamin C, involving 10,000 mg for moderate cases as well as 20,000 mg for more severe cases, for seven to 10 days.

Not only did all of the patients improve, but there were no side effects reported from the vitamin C therapy. “You guessed it,” Saul said, “Fact-checkers said it’s false. Facebook said it’s false. The media said it’s false. And this report, by a physician direct from Shanghai, who personally worked with the chief of emergency medicine of a major hospital, right there, and had success … all of this was called false information and banned from Facebook.”

‘This Is Organized Censorship’

In February 2020, Saul reports, the World Health Organization met with about a dozen tech companies, including Google, Amazon and YouTube, instructing them to stop the spread of coronavirus misinformation. The group, which planned to meet every few months, has been targeting information related to natural health treatments like vitamin C, calling them fake news and conspiracies.11

But in reality, Saul said, the labeling of vitamin C for COVID-19 as fake news is “organized censorship. This does fit the description of conspiracy. They are trying to stop the information on vitamin C from getting out. And, unfortunately, to a large extent they have succeeded.”

Even Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said, on the record in 2016, “Take vitamin C. It can enhance your body’s defense against microbes.”12

Then, during the pandemic, he mentioned it again, in an Instagram interview, where he said that vitamin D will help your body resist infection, and added, “The other vitamin that people take is vitamin C because it’s a good antioxidant, so if people want to take a gram or so of vitamin C, that would be fine.”13,14

Cheng additionally interviewed a family in Wuhan, China, which took large doses of vitamin C and didn’t get COVID-19, despite close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient. The video was removed by YouTube. “I can’t believe this is happening,” Cheng stated.

Dr. Paul Marik has additionally shown a protocol of intravenous vitamin C with hydrocortisone and thiamine (vitamin B1) dramatically improves survival rates in people with sepsis. Since sepsis is one of the reasons people die from COVID-19 infection, Marik’s vitamin C protocol may go a long way toward saving people’s lives in this pandemic.

That protocol calls for 1,500 mg of ascorbic acid every six hours, as well as appears radically effective. However, I would recommend taking even higher doses using liposomal vitamin C if you’re taking it orally.

Personally, I discourage people from taking mega doses of vitamin C on a regular basis if they’re not actually sick. I view high dose vitamin C as a very safe and effective intervention for acute upper respiratory infections largely because it converts to hydrogen peroxide, which your body uses to fight infections.

I don’t believe it is necessary to take high doses for long periods of time, however. Vitamin C’s potential for treating severe illness, and helping to prevent it, is something that should be widely shared, not silenced.

For more info as well as further reading, Saul’s Orthomolecular Medicine News Service has an archive of several dozen news releases on COVID-19 and nutrition that you probably have not seen in the media.15


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